Developing a Maths Curriculum

Deyes High School and Childwall Sports and Science Academy worked together to develop a maths curriculum that is designed to maximise students’ potential through:

  • developing fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts
  • acquiring, selecting and applying mathematical techniques to solve problems
  • reasoning mathematically, making deductions and inferences and drawing conclusions
  • comprehending, interpreting and communicating mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context

The maths subject leaders across the Trust worked together to research the best approaches. This included training with the Deep Learning Teaching School Alliance, visiting an outstanding school, contacting primary feeder schools to gain an understanding of how the maths mastery primary curriculum is approached and Trust led professional development focused on Rosenshine’s principles and adaptive teaching.

Lydiate Learning Trust strongly believes in school partnership and collaboration. We have an accredited Secondary Maths Mastery Specialist working within the Trust whose expertise was central to the initial development of the curriculum. In addition, leaders utilised support from maths SLEs and an NLE in the development of resources and assessment materials linking with 2 maths hubs to quality assure the curriculum.

All maths teachers in all schools were involved in the development of the scheme of learning, from senior leaders to ECTs. At the outset substantial amounts of time was put into relevant CPDL to ensure that all staff understood what is meant by ‘deep learning’ of mathematical contexts. Staff were given time to collaborate and develop their use of relevant strategies for questioning and student practice that are specific to maths (for example, SSDD problems, anchor tasks, variation theory).

Best practice lesson studies, faculty reviews, Deep Dives and book studies all show a marked improvement in teaching and the progress of students at all levels. Parent voice has been overwhelmingly positive, and students say that they feel challenged in maths lessons and are better able to make links between topics.

Mrs. Beaney, Head Of School, Deyes High School, said: “The developments of the mathematics curriculum has been a truly collaborative approach and it is evident from classroom visits that the new scheme of learning offers many opportunities for creative learning and deep thinking”.

Students added:

‘I really enjoy my maths lessons’

‘The puzzle questions really make me think’

‘I am more confident to have a go at a problem now’