
Message from the Chair of the LLT Board, John Graham
Lydiate Learning Trust Members, Directors and Governors are committed to ensuring our Trust continues to provide the highest quality of education. We believe passionately in our mission to “engage with all within our Trust and beyond to enable them to show the world their particular talents, their ideas and their passion”. By working together on this commitment, we are stronger and as our ambition grows, so will our capabilities.

I am proud of our staff and students, who are outstanding learners and I am equally proud of the high quality and dedication of our governors who take seriously their responsibilities and ensure we support and challenge our leaders to inspire all their staff and our young people to strive for excellence. We have the very highest of expectations and believe that no matter where you go to school you should receive the very best of what education has to offer. If we believe in a ‘can-do’ culture then we have to provide the framework to allow everyone to be able to ‘do’.

Lydiate Learning Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee. Our primary regulator is the Department for Education and our charitable Objects are set out in our Articles of Association. Please click here.

For further information on how LLT is funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency. Please refer to our Master Funding Agreement here. Our formal structures are designed to give robust oversight and management of our academies, without unnecessarily restricting innovation.